Proper Rotor temperature range from normal temperature to 430 degree centigrade
Coefficient of friction 0.32 to 0.46
Material Non steel ceramic fiber (non Asbestos)
Price from 9,000 JPY/set
for Japanese car Front/Rear
- Driver doesn't feel any stress when braking with first touch and solid feeling.
High Total balanced with stable braking force and control ability.
- To Reduce to a minimum braking dust to prevent from dirt of wheel, we mixed the new material to our pads.
ACRE Brake pads are made in our own factory

REAR BRAKE SHOE FOR Light Motor Vehicle

REAR BRAKE SHOE can use with compact ACRE front brake pads. This rear shoe is excellent durability without any assort of driving stage and having the performance specialized in front and rear balance.
The braking force proved in N1 race like Fuji Champion Race is for any driving stages and can be used almighty. Correspondence with Japanese Shaken.

Proper Rotor temperature range from normal temperature to 400 degree centigrade
Coefficient of friction 0.38
Material Non steel ceramic fiber (non Asbestos)
Price from 7,800-9,800 JPY/set
Japanese Light Motor Vehicle Rear


86BRZ Parts

86BRZ original parts

SPIRIT Coil over Suspension

SPIRIT racing shocks